Admin Interface
Docket Cache WP Admin Interface
Updated: 10-Mar-2023 | v22.07.04
The Docket Cache keeps the admin interface clean, responsive and as simple as possible, with predefined configurations and reusing WordPress libraries as much as possible.
The Overview screen is the primary place to view the current status of Docket Cache activity, configuration, and other useful information.
Web Server
Web Server name.
PHP version and type of Server API.
Cloudflare IP and Ray ID. (1)
Web Proxy
Web Proxy IP other than Cloudflare. (2)
Object Cache Stats
Total object size in cache files.
Object OPcache Stats
Total OPcache size in memory, for objects cache files.
WP OPcache Stats
Total OPcache size in memory, for WordPress files.
PHP Memory Limit
Your Server PHP memory limit setting.
WP Frontend Memory Limit
WordPress Website memory limit.
WP Backend Memory Limit
WordPress Admin memory limit.
WP Multi Site
Status either is Multisite. (3)
WP Multi Network
Status either is Multi-Network. (4)
Primary Network
Status either is Primary Network. (4)
Network Locking File
Network Lock file. (4)
Drop-in Writable
Status either Drop-in file can be written, replace or delete.
Drop-in use Wrapper
Status either Drop-in file is wrapper file. (5)
Drop-in Wrapper Available
Status either Drop-in wrapper file exists. (5)
Drop-in Wrapper File
Drop-in wrapper file location. (5)
Drop-in File
Drop-in file path.
Cache Writable
Status either cache file can be written, replace or delete.
Cache Files Limit
Current total cache files and maximum files can be store on disk.
Cache Disk Limit
Current total size cache files and maximum size can be store on disk.
Cache Path
Cache directory path.
Config Writable
Status either config file can be written, replace or delete.
Config Path
Config directory path.
Only visible if your website running behind Cloudflare.
Only visible if web proxy is not Cloudflare such Sucuri and Varnish.
Only visible in Multisite single-network.
Only visible in Multisite Multi-Network setup.
Only visible if
constant defined.
The configuration screen allows you to change the Docket Cache behaviour without using constant variables. If related constants are defined in the wp-config.php
file, it will overwrite the changes on this screen.
Cronbot Service
OPcache Viewer
Cache Log
Advanced Post Caching
Object Cache Precaching
WordPress Translation Caching
Admin Page Cache Preloading
Retain Transients in Db
Optimize WP Query
Optimize Term Count Queries
Optimize Database Tables
Suspend WP Options Autoload
Post Missed Schedule Tweaks
Limit Bulk Edit Actions
Misc Performance Tweaks
Misc WooCommerce Tweaks
Deactivate WooCommerce Admin
Deactivate WooCommerce Classic Widget
Deactivate WooCommerce WP Dashboard
Deactivate WooCommerce Extensions Page
Deactivate WooCommerce Cart Fragments
Prevent robots crawling add-to-cart links
Remove XML-RPC / Pingbacks
Remove WP Header Junk
Deactivate WP Emoji
Deactivate WP Feed
Deactivate WP Embed
Deactivate WP Lazy Load
Deactivate WP Sitemap
Deactivate WP Application Passwords
Deactivate WP Events & News Feed Dashboard
Deactivate Post Via Email
Deactivate Browse Happy Checking
Deactivate Serve Happy Checking
Limit WP-Admin HTTP Requests
Cache Files Limit
Cache Disk Limit
Chunk Cache Directory
Real-time File Limit Checking
Auto Remove Stale Cache
Exclude Empty Object Data
Admin Page Loader
Object Cache Data Stats
Garbage Collector Action Button
Additional Flush Cache Action Button
Check Critical Version
Flush Object Cache During Deactivation
Flush OPcache During Deactivation
Cache Log
The cache log screen allows you to view the cache log for debugging and monitor cache activities. This screen is only visible if the Cache Log option is enabled on the configuration screen.
Timestamp format.
Log All
Enable or Disable Log All.
Log File
Log file path.
Log Size
Log file size.
Flush Log
Flush log file.
Please refer to DOCKET_CACHE_LOG*
related constant for details.
The cronbot screen allows you to connect Docket Cache with Cronbot Service. This screen also provides a function to view and execute registered cron tasks.
Service Status
Status either connected to Cronbot Service.
Last Received Ping
Timestamp last Cronbot Service connect to your website.
Next Expecting Ping
Timestamp next Cronbot Service expected connect to your website.
Connect to Cronbot Service.
Disconnect from Cronbot Service.
Run Scheduled Event
Execute scheduled cron task.
Run All Now
Execute all cron task.
constant for details.
Last updated
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