The command line interface for WordPress.

Updated: 03-Mar-2023 | v22.07.04

WP-CLI is the official command-line interface for WordPress. The Docket Cache extends the default wp cache command with additional sub-commands.

The following commands are supported. You may use --verbose on some commands to display more output.

wp cache status

Display the Docket Cache status.

wp cache status

Example output:

Cache Status   : Enabled
Cache Path     : /wp-content/cache/docket-cache
Cache Size     : 717K

wp cache dropin:enable

Enable the Docket Cache object-cache.php Drop-In file. The default behaviour is to create the object-cache.php Drop-In and replace any existing object-cache.php Drop-In.

wp cache dropin:enable

wp cache dropin:disable

Disable the Docket Cache object-cache.php Drop-In file. The default behaviour is to delete the object-cache.php Drop-In unless an unknown object-cache.php Drop-In is present.

wp cache dropin:disable

wp cache dropin:update

Update the Docket Cache object-cache.php Drop-In file. The default behaviour is to overwrite any existing object-cache.php Drop-In.

wp cache update

wp cache flush

Remove the cache files.

wp cache flush

wp cache flush:menucache

Remove the Menu cache files.

wp cache flush:menucache

wp cache flush:mocache

Remove the Translation cache files.

wp cache flush:mocache

wp cache flush:precache

Remove the Precache cache files.

wp cache flush:precache

wp cache flush:transient

Remove the Transients cache files.

wp cache flush:transient

wp cache flush:advcpost

Remove the Advanced Post Cache cache files.

Since version 22.07.04, this command is only available for WordPress version 6.1 and below.

wp cache reset:lock

Reset the Docket Cache lock files.

wp cache reset:lock

wp cache reset:cron

Reset the Docket Cache cron event.

wp cache reset:cron

Example output:

Resetting cron event. Please wait..
| hook                               | next_run_gmt        | next_run_relative     | recurrence |
| docketcache_gc                     | 2020-12-08 16:58:36 | now                   | 5 minutes  |
| docketcache_watchproc              | 2020-12-08 16:58:36 | now                   | 1 hour     |
| docketcache_checkversion           | 2020-12-08 16:58:36 | now                   | 5 days     |
Success: Cron event has been reset.

wp cache run:gc

Run the Docket Cache garbage collector (GC).

wp cache run:gc

Example output:

Executing the garbage collector. Please wait..
Cache MaxTTL                       : 345600
Cache File Limit                   : 50000
Cache Disk Limit                   : 500M
Cleanup Cache MaxTTL               : 0
Cleanup Cache File Limit           : 0
Cleanup Cache Disk Limit           : 0
Total Cache Cleanup                : 0
Total Cache Ignored                : 0
Total Cache File                   : 1580
Success: Executing the garbage collector completed.

wp cache run:cron

Run all cron event.

wp cache run:cron

Example output:

Executing the cron event. Please wait..
Executed the cron event 'docketcache_watchproc' in 0.011s.
Executed the cron event 'docketcache_gc' in 0.338s.
Executed the cron event 'wp_privacy_delete_old_export_files' in 0.011s.
Executed the cron event 'wp_version_check' in 6.804s.
Executed the cron event 'wp_update_plugins' in 2.817s.
Executed the cron event 'wp_update_themes' in 0.011s.
Executed the cron event 'recovery_mode_clean_expired_keys' in 0.005s.
Executed the cron event 'wp_scheduled_delete' in 0.005s.
Executed the cron event 'delete_expired_transients' in 0.005s.
Executed the cron event 'wp_scheduled_auto_draft_delete' in 0.007s.
Executed the cron event 'docketcache_checkversion' in 0.012s.
Executed the cron event 'wp_site_health_scheduled_check' in 0.091s.
Success: Executed a total of 12 cron events.

wp cache run:optimizedb

Runs the Docket Cache Optimizedb.

wp cache run:optimizedb

wp cache run:stats

Run the Docket Cache stats function to collect cache data.

wp cache run:stats

Example output:

Executing the cache stats. Please wait..
Object size    : 885K
File size      : 992K
Total file     : 66
Success: Executing the cache stats completed.

wp cache runtime:install

Install the Docket Cache runtime code.

wp cache runtime:install

wp cache runtime:remove

Removes the Docket Cache runtime code.

wp cache runtime:remove

Last updated

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